Where does homosexuality come from? Some people say it comes from nature, others say it is nurtured by society. In the past video of homosexuality, scientist observed many twins and their environments. In the twins under observation, one of them was straight, while the other one had “sex nonconformity disorder, where the individual suffering from it is not happy with their sex. These kids are not gay, but are prone to be gay when they grow up and become adults. One of the twins was very masculine; he enjoyed military toys, cars, trucks, action figures, and blue. The other twin was passionate for horses, unicorns, had his nails done, dolls, and pink. The child with sex non- conformity said; “maybe I was originally supposed to be a girl, but my mommy really wanted me to be a boy so I turned into a boy.” This child inside, indeed believed he was to be a girl. This proves that homosexuality can be linked to genetics. Also, It can be said that homosexuality can be nurtured. The mother of the two twins said that when they were two years old, the feminine inclined child really desired a Barbie and she gave it to him. This decision is something that aided to the nurture of that kid into feminine things. Both of the kids grew up in the same environment, the difference was that the mother gave the kids what they asked for, it being for a boy or a girl. They also analyzed other twins, that grew up in completely equal environments, did the same activities and one of them turned out homosexual. In non-twin families, scientists discovered that as a child grows with older brothers, they are more prone to be gay. Through these analysis, it is proved that homosexuality is both nature and nurture.


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