Why do murderers act the way they do? This question has been argued in whether criminal’s minds are due to nature or nurture. Basically, a criminal's mind is made due to both nature and nurture. It is said by many scientists, that criminal behavior can be inherited. They also say that murderers are made due to damage. Most of the murderers have suffered some kind of brain damage in their life, and this relates to their behavior. Some of these people are abused mentally, and are also physically tortured. Events like these are what lead to brain injury. This kind of behavior is also what nurtures a person to behaving violently; hence they are exposed to violent behavior throughout their life and learn from it. Also, many of the criminal minds in society have a low level of intelligence due to the amount of brain damage they have received. Due to this, is why people say that when someone is hit by their parents, they are more prone to hitting their children. They believe that what they are doing is fine, so they continue doing it without realizing the damage that is being done. Some of the people with criminal minds also come with mental illnesses accompanied by paranoid symptoms. Some people have manic depression and/or bipolar disorders. Throughout the video, we could also observe the case of a criminal that murdered his wife and kids. People say that he was a really tranquil person, but it is believed that many factors can put someone over the edge. Certain events can make a person snap, reacting into violent behavior. In general, a criminal mind is made due to many factors, but most important is brain damage. Brain damage is what causes many of the factors associated with criminal minds, like mental illnesses and low intelligence, but majorly causes violent behavior.

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