A Traumatic Brain Injury can be defined as "damage to the brain resulting from external mechanical force such as rapid acceleration, deceleration, impact, blast waves, or penetration by a foreign object." It is believed that a quarter of a million Americans are hospitalized for brain injuries. This type of injury is one of the most dangerous that there can be, thus it causes problems dealing with thinking, processing information, dealing with emotions, short and long term memory, body movement, among others. In a Traumatic Brain Injury, the frontal lobe and temporal lobes are the most susceptible to brain damage; these are the areas that deal with thinking, emotions, memory, etc. There are also three main classifications of brain injuries. One is a Contusion, where bruising of the brain occurs. The second is Diffuse Abnormal Injury, where delicate fibers twist causing damage. The last one is Subdural Hematoma, which is the most common of all brain injuries. In the video, we observed four cases of people that had suffered brain Injuries. These had all occurred through terrible accidents. It was observed how their lives completely changed forever; hence some had problems with memory, while another could barely communicate appropriately. Most important, these people learned how to appreciate their lives better because they were able to survive with such a terrible injury.

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