1. Synesthesia
Synesthesia is a condition where the stimulation of a senation awakes another one.
2. grapheme-color synesthesia
Known as color synesthesia, where a person associates a number or letter with a color.

3. ordinal-linguistic personification
Form if synesthesia where sequences or ordered months, days, numbers, or letters are associated with personalities.

4. number-form synesthesia
Number-form synesthesia occurs when the person suffering from it thinks of numbers. It forma mental map of numbers involuntarily and automatically.

5. sound-color synesthesia
In this type of synesthesia, when the person hears a certain sound they automatically think of a certain color in reaction to the first stimulus. It is sometimes described as "fireworks".

6. lexical-gustatory synesthesia
This is the rarest type of synesthesia, where a specific word awakes a taste in the gustatory glands.

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